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Saturday, 17 May 2014

FCTA Taking Abuja Motorists For A Ride..02

After an Abuja High court declared the on-street park and pay scheme illegal, the Federal Capital territory administration (FCTA) that forced the scam on Abuja motorists, wasted no time in acknowledging the ruling by suspending the scheme.  They then proceeded at breakneck speed to announce their intention of starting the process of making it legit.  It wasn’t because they’re eager to *“serve their fatherland” Oh, no. It was so that they can go back down their familiar road of taking Abuja motorists for a ride.  

While commuters are willing to keep their vehicles at home and ride into and around the city on buses, trains and trams - like it is done all over the world - the FCTA  is bent on encouraging them to bring their vehicles into the city to scramble for parking spaces from which they earn undeserved revenue. Whereas, FCTA is mandated to provide commuters with 21st century means of transportation befitting of a modern city, first, before providing parking spaces.

Thus, a day in the life of transportation department of the FCTA consists of scouting around the city for roadsides to daub with lines of white paint.  The eagerness of FCTA to put, the Park and pay scam back on the road is not because they’re altruistic or public-spirited. It is simply because the scam is a nice little earner for them!  

*“Serving our fatherland”: self-serving public servants’ cliche).

FCTA Taking Abuja Motorists For A Ride...01

After an Abuja High court declared the on-street park and pay scheme illegal, the Federal Capital territory administration (FCTA) that forced the scam on Abuja motorists, wasted no time in acknowledging the ruling by suspending the scheme.  They then proceeded at breakneck speed to announce their intention of starting the process of making it legit.  It wasn’t because they’re eager to *“serve their fatherland” Oh, no. It was so that they can go back down their familiar road of taking Abuja motorists for a ride.  

While commuters are willing to keep their vehicles at home and ride into and around the city on buses, trains and trams - like it is done all over the world - the FCTA  is bent on encouraging them to bring their vehicles into the city to scramble for parking spaces from which they earn undeserved revenue. Whereas, FCTA is mandated to provide commuters with 21st century means of transportation befitting of a modern city, first, before providing parking spaces.

Thus, a day in the life of transportation department of the FCTA consists of scouting around the city for roadsides to daub with lines of white paint.  The eagerness of FCTA to put, the Park and pay scam back on the road is not because they’re altruistic or public-spirited. It is simply because the scam is a nice little earner for them!  

*“Serving our fatherland”: self-serving public servants’ cliche).